Sam Hill

Created by Doreen 3 years ago

Without Sam, Alan and I would not have met an we would not have been married for 53 years. Sam and Alan met in the Lifebuoys and then went on to the Boys Brigade.  When they were around 16 they decided to go camping in Wales on Sam’s scooter, but on their way home they had four punctures and spent their last 1s 6d on a patch kit, unfortunately it went again, they were stuck outside a cafe, starving hungry with no money and all they could think about was the food.  Eventually they managed to contact a neighbour of Sam’s and they came to find them and had to leave the scooter at the cafe.  One year later Alan and I met at Sam’s parents house after church and four years later he was best man at our wedding and in 1976 we attended Sam and Ann’s wedding in Scotland.  We only met a couple of times after that, but he has always been in our hearts and will never forget him. RIP Sam